Did you suffer investment losses in the Stone & Youngberg Municipal Advantage Fund that you purchased from registered broker Stone & Youngberg, LLC? If you did, the attorneys of The White Law Group may be able to help you recover your investment losses through FINRA arbitration.
There is still time to recover these losses under FINRA rules as long as the claim is brought within 6 years of the event or occurrence giving rise to the claim.
It has been widely alleged that there may have been misrepresentations made about the risks of the Stone & Youngberg Municipal Advantage Fund investment during Stone & Youngberg’s sales process. The fund was started in 2006 and by the summer of 2007 investors had suffered serious losses. It appears that many of the investors in the fund lost all of their investment.
Records publicly available on FINRA.org indicate that since 2008 there have been 2 cases against Stone & Youngberg LLC to go to FINRA arbitration alleging improprieties of, among other things, “fraudulent activity” on the part of Stone & Youngberg LLC. Both these arbitration panels ruled in favor of the clients. In one case the investors received 50% recovery and in the other the investors received 100% recovery. The case which was awarded 50% on losses of $500,000 dollars was related to the purchase of the Stone & Youngberg Municipal Advantage Fund I, LP.
If you invested and lost money in the Stone & Youngberg Municipal Advantage Fund, another fund with Stone & Youngberg LLC, or another municipal fund and would like to speak to a securities attorney about your potential to recover your losses through FIRNA arbitration please call our Chicago office at 312-238-9650.
The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Boca Raton, Florida. The White Law Group’s securities practice focused on FINRA arbitration and has the experience to help guide you through the recovery process.
For more information on The White Law Group, please visit our website at https://whitesecuritieslaw.com.
Tags: broker fraud, investment losses, Municipal Advantage Fund fraud, Municipal Advantage Fund investigation, Municipal Advantage Fund lawauit, Municipal Advantage Fund losses, Municipal Advantage Fund misrepresentation, Municipal Advantage Fund recovery, Municipal Advantage Fund scam, municipal arbitrage, municipal securities fraud, recover Stone & Youngberg losses, Securities Attorney, Stone & Youngberg fraud, Stone & Youngberg investigation, Stone & Youngberg investment recovery, Stone & Youngberg lawsuit, Stone & Youngberg Municipal Advantage Fund, Stone & Youngberg scam, unsuitable investments Last modified: April 14, 2023