Have you suffered losses investing in the tenant-in-common (TIC), Geneva Exchange Fund XXII? The White Law Group is investigating potential FINRA arbitration claims to recover investment losses.
According to files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII was a TIC in two commercial properties, a Holiday Inn hotel and Wild Wood Water Park, organized in 2004. The filings indicate the properties were purchased for approximately $1.3 million and included the assumption of a construction loan for more than $11 million.
Often investors are attracted to TIC investments, like the Geneva exchange Fund, because of the potential income stream and tax benefits the investment can produce. Although TIC’s may seem like straightforward investments, providing individuals with the opportunity to co-own a piece of commercial real estate, they are much more complex. Since their success is dependent on the performance of the underlying real estate properties and the overall health of the real estate market, TICs are considerably high risk investments.
Unfortunately, some brokers fail to adequately disclose the risks and liquidity problems associated with TICs to investors. Brokers that mislead investors or make unsuitable investment recommendations may be liable for investment losses.
To determine whether you may be able to recover investment losses incurred as a result of your purchase of Geneva Exchange Fund XXII, please contact The White Law Group at 312-238-9650 for a free consultation.
The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Vero Beach, Florida.
For more information on The White Law Group, visit www.WhiteSecuritiesLaw.com.
Tags: Geneva Exchange Fund XXII dividends, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII information, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII investigation, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII lawsuit, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII losses, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII performance, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII recovery, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII returns, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII sales, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII TIC, Geneva Exchange Fund XXII value Last modified: July 17, 2015