Investigation of ICON Leasing Fund
Have you suffered investment losses in an ICON Leasing Fund? If so, The White Law Group may be able to help.
The White Law Group is investigating potential securities fraud and suitability claims regarding brokerage firms’ recommendations that investors purchase ICON Leasing Funds.
According to the company’s own press releases, ICON is an equipment leasing company, engaged in the acquisition, purchase, and lease of various equipment to third-party end users, as well as financing equipment for third parties in the United States and internationally.
Investments in ICON Leasing Funds involve risk and it appears that certain brokerage firms failed to adequately disclose these risks prior to recommending the funds for sale to its clients.
It also appears that Icon Leasing Fund Eleven, Icon Leasing Fund Twelve, and Icon Leasing Fund Thirteen, at minimum, have experienced substantial losses.
Recovery of Investment Losses
To determine whether you may be able to recover investment losses incurred as a result of your purchase of an ICON Leasing Fund, please contact The White Law Group at (888) 637-5510.
The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Vero Beach, Florida.
For more information on The White Law Group, visit
Tags: 1st Global Capital, broker fraud, Chicago broker fraud attorney, Chicago FINRA attorney, Chicago investment fraud attorney, Chicago securities attorney, Chicago securities lawyer, Excessive brokerage fees, Excessive buying and selling securities, excessive financial advisor commissions, excessive financial advisor fees, Excessive stockbroker commissions, Excessive stockbroker fees, financial advisor Excessive commissions, Financial advisor Excessive fees, financial advisor Excessive transactions, Financial advisor frequent trades, Frequent broker commissions, Frequent brokerage fees, how much trading is too much, ICON Capital Leasing Program, ICON Leasing Fund class action, Icon Leasing Fund Eleven, ICON Leasing Fund fraud, ICON Leasing Fund investigation, ICON Leasing Fund lawsuit, ICON Leasing Fund losses, Icon Leasing Fund Thirteen, Icon Leasing Fund Twelve, investment advisor excessive commissions, investment advisor excessive fees, investment advisor excessive transactions, investment advisor frequent trades, investment fraud, investment losses, Securities Attorney, Securities Lawyer, securities losses, stockbroker excessive commissions, stockbroker excessive fees, stockbroker excessive transactions, Stockbroker frequent trades, Vero Beach investment fraud attorney, Vero Beach securities attorney, Vero Beach securities lawyer, what is excessive trading Last modified: March 8, 2017