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Investigation into NNN Oak Park Office

Did you invest in NNN Oak Park Office and suffer losses? If so, The White Law Group may be able to help. The firm is investigating the potential recovery of investment losses through FINRA arbitration claims against the brokerage firms that recommended the investment.

According to the SEC, NNN Oak Park Office is a limited liability company organized in 2004 for the purpose of owning an office building. The filing indicates the company offered $9,850,000 in membership interests with $7,649,000 for real estate.

Private placement investments, especially in real estate, are complex, high risk securities products. Unfortunately some brokers tout the potential income stream the investments may produce and can fail to adequately disclose the risks and potential liquidity problems to investors.

Broker dealers have a responsibility to perform adequate due diligence to determine that the investment is sound and has a reasonable likelihood of success. They also have a responsibility to make suitable investment recommendations to investors. Given that most private placements lack regulatory oversight, are high risk, and often illiquid investments, they are arguably unsuitable for most investors.

Broker dealers that mislead investors or make unsuitable investment recommendations can be liable for investment losses.

If you suffered losses investing in NNN Oak Park Office and would like to speak to a securities attorney to discuss your litigation options, please call the securities attorneys of The White Law Group at (312)238-9650 for a free consultation.

The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Franklin, Tennessee.

For more information on the firm, visit www.WhiteSecuritiesLaw.com.


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