KBS REIT I Investment Losses
Investors in the popular non-traded REIT, KBS Real Estate Trust Inc. (KBS REIT I), were reportedly notified on Monday that the value of their shares is now estimated by the company at $5.16. The new valuation represents a 29% drop from the last change to the valuation in late 2009 and a nearly 50% drop since shares of KBS REIT I were initially offered at $10.00. Additionally, KBS investors were told that they would no longer be receiving any distributions. KBS REIT I is just the latest major non-traded REIT to see a drop in its valuation in recent months as many of these investments have struggled with a difficult real estate market over the last couple of years.
This most recent valuation will likely be troubling to many investors in the KBS non-traded REIT. If you invested in KBS REIT I and are wondering if you may have recourse to recover your investment, The White Law Group may be able to assist you in pursuing recovery of your non-traded REIT damages through FINRA arbitration process. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) continues to pay close attention to issues related to non-traded REITs, including how they are sold and valuated.
The White Law Group has represented many investors who have struggled with non-traded REIT investments, including KBS Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. (KBS REIT I), over the past few years in the FINRA dispute resolution claims.
Problems with Non-Traded REITs
The firm has seen several issues commonly arise around how non-traded REITs are sold and represented to investors. In many cases the risks associated with non-traded REITs were not adequately represented before purchase and investors have often been over-concentrated in this type of real estate investment. In some cases, the fact that advisors receive relatively high commissions for the sale of non-traded REITs compared to other products may have contributed to some investors being unsuitably invested in non-traded REIT investments. Finally, it seems common that the illiquid nature of non-traded REITs has not been made clear to some investors. Investors in non-traded REITs, like KBS REIT I, that have had redemption programs suspended may have difficulty selling their investments or suffer a serious loss on the secondary market.
Brokerage firms and financial advisers have a fiduciary duty to perform due diligence on any investment and to insure that an investment is appropriate in light of the investor’s age, investment experience, and investment objectives. If a broker or brokerage firm fails in this responsibility, investors may have an actionable claim to recover their investment losses in a claim through FINRA dispute resolution.
Recovery of Investment Losses
If you are concerned about your investment in KBS Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. (KBS REIT I) or another non-traded REIT investment and would like to speak to a securities attorney about potential to recover your investment losses through FINRA dispute resolution please call our Chicago office at 888-637-5510.
The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Vero Beach, Florida.
For more information on The White Law Group, please visit our website at https://whitesecuritieslaw.com.
Tags: broker fraud, Chicago broker fraud attorney, Chicago FINRA attorney, Chicago investment fraud attorney, Chicago securities attorney, Chicago securities lawyer, FINRA, investment fraud, investment losses, KBS REIT attorney, KBS REIT class action, KBS REIT contact information, KBS REIT current value, KBS REIT devaluation, KBS REIT fraud, KBS REIT investigation, KBS REIT lawsuit, KBS REIT losses, KBS REIT price, KBS REIT redemption program, KBS REIT scam, KBS REIT secondary market, KBS REIT share value, KBS REIT valuation, KBS RIET, non-traded REIT, nontraded reit fraud, nontraded reit investigation, nontraded reit lawsuit, recovery of KBS REIT losses, REIT attorney, REIT lawyer, REIT losses, Securities Attorney, Securities Lawyer, Vero Beach investment fraud attorney, Vero Beach securities attorney, Vero Beach securities lawyer Last modified: March 21, 2017