Securities Investigation: Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund LP
The White Law Group is investigating potential securities claims involving broker dealers who may have improperly recommended Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund LP to investors.
What is the Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund?
According to the Hatteras Investment Partners website, Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund are feeder funds into a Hatteras Master Fund, which invests in hedge funds and various private equity funds. The company reportedly allocated 75% of the Fund’s assets to hedged strategies and 25% allocated to private investments.
Risks of Investing in Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund
Did your broker disclose the following details regarding the Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund investment?
- The high level of risk involved in the Fund, including the potential loss of the entire investment.
- The dual layer of fees investors are subject to by indirectly investing in the underlying funds through the Fund.
- The Fund’s high volatility, substantial fees, and complex tax structures.
- The speculative investment strategies and practices of the underlying funds, such as leverage, short sales, and derivatives transactions, increase the risk of investment loss.
- The limited liquidity provided by the Fund, with units not transferable except through repurchase offers made by the Fund quarterly.
- the lack of transparency from underlying funds regarding their investments.
FINRA Claims for Recovery of Investment Losses
Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund is a complex investment product. Despite the risks of investing in alternative investments, brokerage firms continue to push this type of investment because of the high commissions associated with their sale and creation.
If a brokerage firm makes unsuitable investment recommendations or fails to adequately disclose the risks associated with an investment, they may be liable for investment losses through FINRA arbitration.
FINRA operates the largest securities dispute resolution forum in the United States, and has extensive experience in providing a fair, efficient and effective venue to handle a securities-related dispute.
Experienced securities attorneys can help you through the FINRA arbitration process. FINRA arbitration can be challenging to navigate, and a skilled attorney with expertise in securities law can significantly enhance your prospects of a successful outcome.
FINRA Attorneys – The White Law Group
The White Law Group is investigating the liability that FINRA registered brokerage firms may have for improperly recommending Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund LP to investors.
Our firm can help you evaluate the strength of your case, draft a well-structured statement of claim that accurately presents your allegations of fraud and desired damages, and provide representation during the arbitration hearing by presenting evidence and making compelling arguments on your behalf.
Additionally, an attorney can engage in negotiation efforts for a potential settlement before the arbitration process begins. Opting for a securities attorney ensures that your rights are safeguarded throughout the arbitration process, maximizing your likelihood of achieving a favorable resolution.
Free Consultation with a Securities Attorney
If you have concerns about your investment in Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund LP, The White Law Group may help you. To speak with a securities attorney about your options, please call the office at 888-637-5510 for a free consultation.
The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Seattle, Washington.
For more information on The White Law Group and its representation of investors in FINRA arbitration claims, visit
Tags: alternative investments, Hatteras Core Alternatives Fund LP Last modified: February 8, 2024