Tag: REIT scam
List of REITs Available
With the collapse of the real estate market over the last few years it is not surprising that many of the securities fraud cases we see...
FINRA Continues their Focus on Non-traded REITs
FINRA released an investor alert for public non-traded REITs “to help investors understand the benefits, risks, features and fees of...
Independent Broker-Dealers Sell Fewer Non-traded REITs
According to a recent article on the investmentnews.com website, some independent broker-dealers are permitting their representatives to...
Issues with Non-traded REITs
Non-traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Have you suffered losses investing in Non-traded real estate investment trust (REIT)?...
DC Area REITs Struggling in the Current Economic Atmosphere
Sonny Goldreich, in a recent article for the Maryland publication the Gazette.net, wrote an article about the struggles of investments in...
The Firm Continues to Closely Monitor the Sale of REITs
Brokerage firms have a fiduciary duty to recommend investments that are appropriate for the investor in light of the investor’s age, net...