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Tag: REIT fraud lawyer

Blog, Securities Fraud Articles

Wells Timberland REIT lowers estimated share price.

According to reports, the board of directors of Wells Timberland REIT Inc. recently announced a devaluation of shares from $10 per share to...

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Blog, Securities Fraud Articles

Recovery of Wells REIT II Investment Losses

The White Law Group continues to investigate claims on behalf of Wells REIT II investors.  Wells REIT’s own prospectus highlights many...

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Blog, Securities Fraud Articles

FINRA Alert regarding Non-traded REITs

Although a little late to the party, FINRA recently issued an alert for things to be mindful of before investing in non-traded REITs.  We...

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Blog, Securities Fraud Articles

FINRA Steps Up Investigations Into Nontraded REITs

According to an Investment News report, nontraded REITs and potential shortcomings in how broker-dealers sell them are once again in the...

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Blog, Securities Fraud Articles

Cole Credit Property Trust II Going Public?

According to reports, another non-traded REIT, Cole Credit Property Trust II, is in the beginning stages of initiating its “exit...

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Blog, Securities Fraud Articles

More Bad News: Behringer Harvard Strategic Opportunity Fund

According to a report in the Investment News, Behringer Harvard Holdings LLC, the real estate investment firm, is about to drop a bombshell...

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