Tag: David Lerner scam
Investigation: David Lerner and Apple REIT investment losses
The White Law Group is continuing to investigate and analyze how investors have been sold the Apple series of REITs by David Lerner...
FINRA Proposal for Faster Valuations of Non-traded REITs
According to the investmentnews.com, FINRA “is putting the finishing touches on a rule proposal that would shorten the amount of time...
Apple REIT Dividend Adjustment
According to the Long Island Business News, Apple REIT Eight, a non-traded real estate investment trust sold exclusively by...
Risks of Apple REIT
Many investors that purchased Apple REIT shares did not realize the risks of the investment. The reason that Apple REIT (like other...
David Lerner Apple REIT Securities Fraud Investigation Updates
Do you have questions about your Apple REIT investment? If so, The White Law Group may be able to help. The White Law Group is currently...
David Lerner, Apple REIT Securities Fraud Investigation
Despite the writing on the wall, David Lerner continues to maintain that there is nothing wrong with the Apple REITs that it has sold to...