Suffered losses investing in Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP?
Are you concerned about your investment losses with Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP? If so, The White Law Group may be able to help.
Bradford Energy Capital, an oil and natural gas drilling company since 1994, is located in Buffalo, New York. According to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Bradford Drilling Associates have offered numerous private placements such as Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP to raise funds.
Many oil and gas LPs have high expense ratios, and due to the decline in the overall health of the oil and gas market, are suffering. Some are on the brink of default, or worse yet, bankruptcy. Such an outcome is extreme, but not unforeseen. It only highlights the unsuitability of these investments for most retail investors – particularly in large concentrations.
Private placements are exempt from the typical registration requirements of the federal Securities Act of 1933. Brokers that sell private placements have a fiduciary duty to investors. They should only recommend private placements to accredited investors or those who meet suitability standards. However, because of the high commissions earned, many brokers push the sale of private placements on investors that do not have the requisite experience to understand the investments
According to a letter from Bradford Energy Capital on November 7, the company has been unable to find a buyer for the working interest in their three remaining wells. In January they notified investors of a potential purchaser, but the deal fell through at “the 11thhour.”
The letter also states that finding a buyer was always preferable to plugging, but unfortunately were not able to do so. Reportedly, conditions haven’t improved and the three NYS wells are underperforming with no projection for improvement in the future. This is more bad news for investors.
The White Law Group continues to investigate potential FINRA arbitration claims involving Bradford Energy Capital investments.
Recovery of Investment Losses
If you suffered significant losses as a result of your investment in a Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP private placement and were misinformed about the risks, you may have a valid securities arbitration claim against the broker-dealer.
To determine whether you may be able to recover your investment losses through a FINRA arbitration claim, please contact the attorneys of The White Law group at (888) 637-5510 for a free consultation.
The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Vero Beach, Florida.
For more information on The White Law Group, please visit
Tags: Bradford Drilling Associates distributions, Bradford Drilling Associates fraud, Bradford Drilling Associates investigation, Bradford Drilling Associates latest news, Bradford Drilling Associates lawsuit, Bradford Drilling Associates losses, Bradford Drilling Associates private placement, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP attorney, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP bankruptcy, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP buyback, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP class action, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP complaints, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP current value, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP distributions, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP dividends, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP information, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP interest payment, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP investigation, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP investor relations, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP K1, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP lawsuit, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP lawyer, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP litigation, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP losses, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP news, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP performance, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP recovery, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP recovery options, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP redemption program, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP secondary market, Bradford Energy Opportunity Portfolio LP value, Chicago investment fraud attorney, Chicago securities attorney, Chicago securities lawyer, Vero Beach securities attorney, Vero Beach securities lawyer Last modified: October 22, 2020