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Genesis Energy LP MLP Investigation

Genesis Energy LP MLP Investigation, featured by Top Securities Fraud Attorneys, The White Law Group

Genesis Energy LP MLP Investment Losses

Have you suffered losses investing in a Genesis Energy LP? If so, the securities attorneys at The White Law Group may be able to help you recover your losses in a FINRA arbitration claim against the brokerage firm that recommended the investment.

Genesis Energy, L.P. reportedly owns and operates crude oil gathering, marketing, and pipeline operations in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Florida, Mississippi, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

Unfortunately for investors , most oil and gas MLPs, like Genesis Energy LP, are down substantially in the last year.  After a rebound of stock prices in 2017, Genesis Energy LP is reportedly down 79% in the past year.

A Master Limited Partnership (MLP) is a type of limited partnership that is publicly traded. MLP’s receive the same tax benefits of a limited partnership combined with the liquidity of a publicly traded security. In order to be classified as an MLP the partnership must receive 90% of its cash flow from a “qualifying source” – such as real estate, natural resources or commodities.

MLP’s are extremely complex and risky. They are only suitable for wealthy, sophisticated retail investors or institutional investors.

Brokerage firms that sell such products are required to perform adequate due diligence on the investments to ensure a reasonable likelihood of success, and to evaluate whether the investments are suitable in light of the client’s age, net worth, investment experience, and investment objectives. Firms that fail to perform adequate due diligence, or that make unsuitable recommendations, can be held responsible for losses in a FINRA arbitration claim.

The White Law Group is investigating potential securities fraud claims involving broker dealers who may have unsuitably recommended MLPs such as Genesis Energy LP to investors.

The firm has found that certain advisors over-concentrate their clients in MLPs as a mechanism for “juicing yield” but without fully disclosing the risk of such a strategy.

Free Consultation with a Securities Attorney

If you suffered losses investing in Genesis Energy LP or another MLP and would like a free consultation with a securities attorney, please call The White Law Group at (888)637-5510.

The White Law Group is a national securities arbitration, securities fraud, and investor protection law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Franklin, Tennessee.

The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Franklin, Tennessee.  For more information on the firm and its representation of investors in FINRA arbitration claims, visit https://whitesecuritieslaw.com.


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