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CryptoLux Partners LP Investigation

CryptoLux Partners LP Investigation, featured by top securities fraud attorneys, The White Law Group

Investigating Claims Involving CryptoLux Partners LP 

The White Law Group is investigating potential securities claims involving broker dealers and financial advisors who may have unsuitably recommended CryptoLux Partners LP to investors.

CryptoLux Capital is reportedly an asset management firm dedicated to providing investors with exposure to the digital asset space, including cryptocurrencies and blockchain-related assets, according to CrunchBase.

The company, based in Saratoga, California, reportedly filed a form D to raise capital from investors for the offering CryptoLux Partners LP in 2018.

Private placement investments are generally speculative, high risk investments and due to these risks are often unsuitable for most investors. Despite?the risks of investing in alternative investments, brokerage firms continue to push this type of investment because of the high commissions associated with their sale and creation.

Brokerage firms have a responsibility to adequately disclose all risks before selling any investment and must consider suitability factors such as age, financial needs, and risk tolerance to name a few. Firms that do not perform adequate due diligences on an investment or demonstrate a breach of fiduciary duty can be held accountable for losses incurred through FINRA arbitration.

Free Consultation

If you are concerned about an investment in CryptoLux Partners LP, the securities attorneys at The White Law Group may be able to help you by filing a complaint against your brokerage firm. Please call the offices at 888-637-5510 for a free consultation with a securities attorney.

The White Law Group, LLC is a national securities fraud, securities arbitration, investor protection, and securities regulation/compliance law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois.

For more information on the firm, please visit https://whitesecuritieslaw.com.


Tags: , , , , Last modified: November 24, 2020