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BlackRock GF World Energy Fund Investment Losses

BlackRock GF World Energy Fund Investment Losses, featured by Top Securities Fraud Attorneys, The White Law Group

BlackRock GF World Energy Fund Investment Losses

Have you suffered losses investing in BlackRock GF World Energy Fund MLP? If so, the securities attorneys of The White Law Group may be able to help you by filing a FINRA Dispute Resolution claim against the brokerage firm that sold you the investment.

According to recent reports, energy funds suffered heavy market falls last week as equity markets around the world plummeted and investors worried about the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

BlackRock Global Funds – World Energy Fund reportedly seeks capital growth expressed in United States dollars by investing globally in equities of companies with substantial interests in the exploration, development, production and distribution of energy between Saudi Arabia and Russia, according to Bloomberg.

Unfortunately for investors, BlackRock GF World Energy Fund fund has a -49.68% return YTD, according to Bloomberg.

Recovery of Investment Losses

The White Law Group is investigating the liability that brokerage firms may have for recommending BlackRock GF World Energy Fund to their clients.

Aggressive financial advisors may have unsuitably recommended energy funds in an effort to chase yield. Investors who buy solely on the basis of the dividend may experience losses as the dividend is cut and the stock price declines in response.

If your financial advisor over-concentrated your portfolio, you may have a viable claim to recover your losses.  Financial advisors are required to make suitable investment recommendations, accounting for your age, income, net worth, investment experience, and investment objectives.  Diversification is the key to reducing risk.  As such, over-concentrated exposure to any sector or investment but particularly volatile industries like oil and gas, can be unsuitable for many investors.

If you suffered losses investing in BlackRock GF World Energy Fund please call the securities attorneys at The White Law Group at 888-637-5510 for a free consultation.

The White Law Group is a national securities arbitration, securities fraud, and investor protection law firm with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Franklin, Tennessee.  The firm represents investors throughout the country in FINRA arbitration claims against their brokerage firm.

For more information on The White Law Group, visit www.whitesecuritieslaw.com.



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